How the Go For Broke folks tell it....
"Holocaust historians conclude that the Nisei liberated Kaufering IV Hurlach. This camp housed about 3,000 prisoners. Hurlach was one of 169 subordinate slave labor camps of Dachau. Dachau, like Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Mathausen and Ravensbruck, was surrounded by hundreds of sub-camps. In Germany alone, there were 956 sub-camps."
You can read that here.
However it is stated here:
"The photo below shows American soldiers standing at the gate into the Kaufering IV camp. The TV series "Band of Brothers" depicted the Kaufering IV sub-camp in one of the episodes.
The Kaufering IV camp was near the town of Hurlach; the camp had previously been called Schwabmünchen. Before the Nazis abandoned the camp, they burned some of the barracks buildings. Dr. Charles P. Larson, a US Army doctor, examined 258 bodies at the Kaufering IV camp and reported that 189 had probably died of typhus or starvation, while 86 had apparently been burned to death, 11 had been shot inside the camp and 17 more had been gunned down outside the camp. Dr. Larson also did autopsies on some of the bodies at the Dachau main camp and determined that none had died from poison gas."
The photo credits are from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Those aren't Japanese Americans in the photos and I didn't see any Japanese Americans in the "Band of Brothers" episode either.
The Go for Broke guys don't go into a lot of detail regarding the comments they've posted, and what they have posted contradicts the history provided on the other site , a site that has received the good graces of a professor of German History at UC Santa Barbara and author of what is widely recognized as the most authoritative history of Dachau.
That doesn't stop the Go for Broke guys from editorializing their falsified history,
"Many Japanese American soldiers returned to American concentration camps, like Manzanar, Minidoka and Poston. They helped move their parents and siblings out of the barbed wire camps. They found work and housing and tried to pick up their lives. But they would never forget the sight of the starving Jewish prisoners.
In the spring of 1945, the men in the 522nd had participated in one of the greatest ironies of World War II. Members of a persecuted minority, the Japanese Americans reached out to members of another persecuted minority, the European Jews.
These two minority groups were victims of the most blatant disregard for civil liberties and human rights that a government ever perpetrated against its people - one for being of Japanese ancestry, the other for being of the Jewish faith."
What an outrage and an embarrasment that the Japanese American Reparations Movement would compare this and this - to this, this and this.
Ha ha ha. Whoever wrote this blog is an utter idiot. Everyone knows the important role that the JAs played in the liberation of Dachau. Only a damn fool would deny their role. Or to be more precise, a bigot.
Sounds like you missed this piece.
Give it a read than get back to me.
The 12th armored Division liberated Kaufering IV. I have done a lot of research on the 12th and their liberation of Kaufering camps (many members of the 12th visited numerous camps and helped with their liberation) and have never seen one reference to any JA's. Not one.
If you do a google search for Kaufering, you will find inforation on the 12th and their liberation of Kaufering IV.
Thank you for the tip!
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