Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Here, In America? The Untruth.

There's a movement down in California that is attempting to lobby the government to pay reparations to ethnic Japanese in Latin America who were interned (not relocated) in the United States during WWII. Their site is here.

The advisory board contains names of the usual suspects. Jack and Aiko Herzig and Dale Minami to name a few. You may recall Aiko Herzig was a CWRIC principal researcher who located "newly discovered evidence" in the return of Korematsu back in the 80s. This is "evidence" the reparations lawyers insisted the government deliberately withheld from the Supreme Court. It was a farce, but that's another story I'd be happy to share with those interested in knowing.

Minami occasionally pops up in the press with soundbites such as, "What happened to Japanese-Americans is happening to Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans today!" But I digress...

The Honorary Co-Chairs of "Here, in America?" are far left California politicians (not historians)Nancy Pelosi, Mike Honda and Xavier Becerra, which is no surprise.

What did surprise me is this picture with the phrase "WHO WILL BE NEXT?" plastered across the front.

The picture is used on a poster advertising "Here, In America?" at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco.

The picture succeeds in eliciting an emotional reaction from those viewing it without regard to historical context. It looks like a cop working over an old ethnic Japanese man. The truth is quite different.


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