The latest round of hate mail to Friends of Historical Accuracy came from UNC Law
Professor Eric Muller. Muller, like his buddy
Dave Niewert, ia a shameless self-promoting race baiter for which the reparations movement has become big business. In fact Muller's lowered himself to
begging for donations on his site. Look's sleazy, Eric. Why not sell advertising instead.
Last week I got a call at my office from Frank Kitamoto of BIJAC. (I have no qualms using Frank's name on my site as he had no qualms using my name on his. Muller, too. As a policy I refrain from naming names of people who are not in the public sphere.) As the call came at 7:55AM I was not there to pick up, nor did Frank leave a message. Caller ID indicated it was Frank's number. About the next day I start getting these really hateful emails at the website with gossip that could only been provided by someone local.
As my
previous comments pointed out my brother and a nisei old family friend had a chat at the local store, the inaccurate substance of which has made it into the BIJAC bible. Connecting the dots, I suspect Muller had a little chat of his own with Kitamoto, the myth was passed and Muller chose to use his newly learned gossip for a round of hate mail.
Admittedly I have been a thorn in Muller's side for some time. When I questioned the integrity of
accepting money from the biased
California Civil Liberties Public Education Fund (scroll down to
Julius Streicher and Joseph Goebbels would be proud) for his work, Muller lied through his teeth and threw me off his site. Face is Eric, Streicher and Goebbels would be proud because your book is also nauseating propaganda. When Muller banned me I spoofed my IP address and continued to post until I had him frothing at the mouth.
Then I learned the vengeful, sweaty little man was the source of the hateful messages: = =>> (Horde) with HTTP for>>,
anonymously as
"Dick_Kotoshirodo" (a hero of Muller's).
The content of the messages included, "Hey, at least I don't publicly trashtalk the pallbearers at my own father's funeral. You're the lowest of the low and you haven't got the balls even to identify yourself publicly. You're too chickenshit to even put this exchange up on your Big Fancy Blog, because then people--including your wife and family--would know that it's (you) who is spewing all this racist crap."
To which I would reply, "Dick, if you'd like to have a debate, try the comments portion of the blog. Thus far you've not addressed anything of historical value. Yours truly,"
(As an aside, my wife, family, old time islanders and even BIJAC knows my position on this history. BIJAC had the opportunity to publicly debate the history at IslandWood in September and turned down the offer.)
What Muller received from BIJAC is idle gossip. I suppose he deserves a little victory, so let him have it.
Regarding the pallbearer "trashtalking" to which Eric as
"Dick Kotoshirodo" refers, this is the same nisei old family friend who confronted my brother at the market thus providing the fodder for BIJAC. Dave Neiwert exploited the man on his blog after an article had appeared in a local paper. I posted that the old family friend,
"spent a year playing golf everyday at Manzanar before moving to Chicago". This is the "trash talking" to which they refer. (Neiwert subsequently kicked me off his site, too. So much for free speech!)
However, I'm not the original source of the golfing comment. Can you guess who is?
THE NISEI OLD FAMILY FRIEND! It's knowledge we've grown up with! Naturally Muller and Niewert don't know, because they're not islanders! They're not even from around here! Muller's in North Carlina and Niewart's a newcomer from back east currently living in Ballard. They're race-baiting shameless self-promoters who are making money off the reparations movment.
The nisei old family friend and my father were golfing buddies and he was a pallbearer at my father's funeral back in 1971. When I was a kid I caught a beautiful young octopus off Blakely Rock and he was the first person I thought to call. He taught me how to prepare and eat
tako and I was happy to give the rest to him. If I remember correctly he also attended my wedding along with many other members of the island's Japanese-American community for which relations will never be the same thanks to BIJAC!
If my father is watching the way his old friend has been sucked into this movement by the likes of Kitamoto, Moriwaki, Muller, Neiwert and all the rest - if he's listening to the comments attributed to his old friend in the local press, ie.
"I was evacuated because of my face!" - then he's surely spinning in his grave. My father was a kind, honest and giving man of the Atticus Finch variety but he never put up with bullshitters...
The likes of these people have done more to damage decades old friendships and acquaintances on Bainbridge Island than Pearl Harbor ever did. I don't believe my father would have supported the way they're memorializing
our history - not as a publicity campaign with the public getting half the story.
P.S. BIJAC's terrible comments questioning the integrity of Katy Warner that appeared in the "Minutes" section of their site is disgraceful - especially since they were made after she was no longer around to defend herself. You BIJAC folks need to head up to Kane Cemetery and apologize.
UPDATE: Muller denies Kitamoto is the source of the gossip. Could be Moriwaki. Could be any BIJAC member. Doesn't really matter.
UPDATE 2: The following post appeared on Muller's blog:
"Fair enough. Truth is a complete defense to libel (if I correctly recall what that law professor taught me all those years ago). From your description of him, he certainly sounds like a head case. I hope his neighbors throw trash on his lawn (or whatever it is you want them to do).
What a glorious victory, Eric! You've unmasked the nut! Bravo! Keep up the good work."
Posted by: lostingotham at August 18, 2005 09:20 PM
Yea, bravo eric. Truth or gossip aside, if anything happens to me and mine courtesy of you, you can ensure we'll be coming after you. How does
"Court disbars law professor" sound?